Hi guys! Today’s review is about a set that I would like to wear everyday… I know I always say that I am in love with my lingerie but that’s true. And there is still enough space in my heart for another piece, an other lace, other ribbons… If life is about moments, in my opinion lingerie is about details. And Syrena‘s details are just delightful.

I know everybody identifies it with a mermaid set but it really makes me think about the universe of The sleeping beauty. The Disney cartoon. The dark green fabrics and the fushia bows, remind me the forest where Aurore used to live with her Godmothers. And the blue eyelashes lace just increases this feeling because of its entangled flowers. ADORBS! <3
Don’t you see these straps? One of the cutest (and comfiest) pair of straps I have in my wardrobe. 😀 I love it when the design of the straps brings extra cuteness to a lingerie set!

Just like the Kusidelko, I received the bra in a 65GG and the knickers in a size M/40. This time the 65GG is certainly the best size for my chest. I had the opportunity to try a 65H but it was far too big in the cup even with the pads, so I opted for the 65GG and I usually put one of the pads in the cup of my smaller breast. 🙂
You know, before I met Ewa Michalak I was pretty sure that it would be aberrant to use removable pads in full-bust bras. I thought pads and push-up bras were an invention of the lingerie industry to create a need among small-busted women and use their self-consciousness to make profit. Also, as I was myself very self-conscious about my breasts I was convinced that nobody with breasts above E cup could want to increase their in-your-face look.
Guys, I was definitely wrong! These pads is a very interesting option! I had so many frustrations in the past because of my assymetry! Buying padded bras when your breasts have like 1.5 sizes between them is not so easy… Now I am so happy to see that there are alternatives!

As you can see, the cup provides a really projected and round shape! This bra and the Kusidelko give me an different idea of what can be a full-bust bra. The shape of the cup seems to be made in order to avoid spillage while it really pushes your breasts up and front. Also, the cup is lightweight and it is very comfy. I am impressed.
Strangely I realized that I often feature padded bras on my blog while I have much more unpadded bras in my wardrobe and I do feel better wearing the unpadded ones. I usually think that padded bras are not everyday bras (except my Fantasie Smoothing bra that I love so much…) However the Syrena really made me change my mind. Now I really want more of Ewa Michalak S cut in my life. These bras are really made with full bust women in mind. That’s so refreshing!
What I love most in the Syrena is that the cups encapsulate my breasts in a very soft way. They are not like these cups which force your breasts to adapt to their shapes. My boobs feel free in this bra. The gore tacks gently against my sternum and all the things stay in place through the day. I’m always surprised by the narrowness of Polish bras wires. I think it makes bras more comfy and the shape more projected in many ways but I guess my side heavy breast would need wires a little less narrow to avoid the side spillage which comes depending of my position. I am not sure. I also think it could possibly be because of the low cut at the side of the cup.
As you can see the band is wide and features FOUR sets of hooks and eyes. That’s unusual but very nice as it could give a longer life to the bra. Especially now that I know that I will be wearing it VEEERY often. 😀
The knickers: Ewa Michalak knickers are really cute but also have full coverage. I know that it is not everyone’s taste but it is very comfy. This bottom is too big for me but I like it as well because of its cute design and soft fabrics. This big fushia bow on the backside is adorable. My picture doesn’t do it honor. The color is much more vivid. I love the green satin details and the frilly fishnet elastic on the hips. 🙂
In a nutshell this bra and its amazing details is going to be my go-to-bra when I want to feel cute and give a little oomph to my boobs. I think it worth it to get the entire set. 🙂 Now I’m thinking about getting the S Glamour set which I find so dainty! I’m in love with the S cut… :’)
OMG!! When I grow up I want to write bra reviews just like this one!!! I LOVE this detailed review the colour is gorgeouss on you, I am actually planning to get 3 more bras from EM and maybe this might be one!!!! Thank you!
Thank you very much Ratna ! I just discovered the amazingness of this brand 😀 So happy to share that with you and if it helps I’m satisfied! <3